Do you see what I see?

So my Dad got Lasik done a couple of weeks ago. He used to have super thick glasses and now wears nothing at all. I mean, he owns some of those WalMart reading glasses but I've only seen him use them once. It's kind of bizarre but it has worked quite successfully for him. So far, I don't need glasses but since I am the only one left in the family without them, I suspect it's just a matter of time. So why am I telling you this? Well...anyone who happens by my blog knows what I look like so I want to gauge public opinion. Should I get glasses? Or Lasik?


Unknown said...

Lasik...from everything I hear its amazing! Avoid glasses as long as you can! The surgery is expensive but at least you only pay it once!

Anonymous said...

Research Lasix. It doesn't always work for everyone and is quite expensive.